Tale of the Dark Money and Chairman Mike Kelly

By: Charlotte O’Hara, Johnson County 3rd District Commissioner
This does not reflect the majority viewpoint of the JoCo BOCC

At the speed of light, it seems, things are a changin’ in Johnson County!!!  Who would have thought that DARK MONEY would be flowing into Chairman Kelly’s Amberwave PAC (Political Action Committee) for local elections???

Boy, is Johnson County moving up in the world or what?

The Saga:  Chairman Kelly’s Amberwave PAC received an $85,000 contribution from Local Jobs & Economic Development Fund— without any known address.

What??? Without any known address???  

‘Tis true, according to Amberwave PAC campaign finance report.  The contribution was received on 10-8-2024 by E-Funds, with no address available.

Link below to entire finance report.

However, research by Earl Glynn, Watch Dog Lab, posted on October the 29th found that Local Jobs & Economic Development Fund was partially funded in 2022 from the following:

  1. $75,000 from Tides Advocacy (Dark Money)
  2. $1,040,000 from Tides Foundation (Dark Money)
  3. $200,000 from Energy Action Fund (described by Influence Watch as “a major pass-through funder to environmentalist organizations and causes”)

The link to Earl Glynn’s Watch Dog Lab report:

, all of this Dark Money in addition to Chairman Kelly touting his connections with the Global Covenant of Mayors and the European Union when he was Mayor of Roeland Park and Chairman of Climate Action KC!!!

Link to video:

Please note on Amberwave PAC finance report (Ethics.ks.gov) that $35,041.06 of the Dark Money is being spent on behalf of my opponent in District 3. Dark Money, with an agenda.  I love globalists.

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Charlotte…the continued conservative leadership that Johnson County, KS needs now, more than ever!

I am honored to be running for re-election as Johnson County District 3 Commissioner, and I am committed to continuing to serve our entire community with integrity, dedication, passion and faith.  I have consistently advocated for the interests of “We The People.”

Thank you for the honor you have given me to serve and I look forward to visiting with you during my re-election campaign!

God bless you all.

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