The Johnson County Commission Wars

Another action packed 2 weeks at the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners. Perhaps we should be renamed the Battle Ground of Politics!

County Chairman, Mike Kelly, announced his new Political Action Committee, Amber Waves, designed specifically to oust the Sheriff, the DA and yours truly. Ah, his love of diversity is showing in its full glory!!!! Anything Republican is to be crushed.

Meanwhile back working for the good folks of Johnson County, Commissioner Fast, a Democrat, and myself, a Republican, are working TOGETHER on tying up the loose ends of the 35-acre abandoned Kuhlman property at 164th and Mission. The Kansas City Star and the Johnson County Post have both ran excellent articles on this 30-year kid magnet and environmental blight which now is on the cusp of becoming a diamond in our park system.

However, a funny thing happened on the way to this happy ending: sustainability environmentalist, Chairman Mike Kelly, blocked the use of COVID funds to help defray development costs. If you want to watch the bloodbath, go to and watch The Committee of the Whole’s February 29th meeting.

So king of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Chairman Kelly, has created a PAC specifically to oust Republicans and as the savior of the world environmentalist, he blocked the restoration and reclamation of 35 acres for a park.

Me thinks he dost protest too much.

Me thinks he dost protest too much.

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Support Charlotte

Charlotte…the continued conservative leadership that Johnson County, KS needs now, more than ever!

I am honored to be running for re-election as Johnson County District 3 Commissioner, and I am committed to continuing to serve our entire community with integrity, dedication, passion and faith.  I have consistently advocated for the interests of “We The People.”

Thank you for the honor you have given me to serve and I look forward to visiting with you during my re-election campaign!

God bless you all.

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